Selected Publications
See Matt’s google scholar page for a complete list of publications.
J.K. Israel, Z. Zhang, Y. Sang, P.M. McGuire, S. Steinschneider, and M.C. Reid. Climate Change Effects on Denitrification Performance of Woodchip Bioreactors Treating Agricultural Tile Drainage. Water Research, in press
P.M. McGuire, N. Butkevitch, A. Saksena, M.T. Walter, J.S. Shapleigh, and M.C. Reid. Oxic-Anoxic Cycling Promotes Coupling Between Complex Carbon Metabolism and Denitrification in Woodchip Bioreactors. Environmental Microbiology, in press.
H. Yoon, A. Giometto, X. Zhang, M. Pothier, A.J. Poulain, and M.C. Reid. Time-Dependent Biosensor Fluorescence as a Measure of Bacterial Arsenic Uptake Kinetics and Its Inhibition by Dissolved Organic Matter. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2022, 88 (16), e00891-22.
Viacava, A. Janowczyk, S. Poudel, M.C. Reid, L. Jecquier, H. Shrestha, R.L. Hettich, and R. Bernier-Latmani. Meta-omics-aided isolation of an elusive anaerobic arsenic-methylating soil bacterium. ISME Journal, 2022, 16, 1740?1749.
X. Zhang and M.C. Reid. Inhibition of Methanogenesis Leads to Accumulation of Methylated Arsenic Species and Enhances Arsenic Volatilization from Rice Paddy Soil. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 818:151696.
L. Abu-Ali, H. Yoon, and M.C. Reid. Effects of Organic Sulfur and Arsenite/Dissolved Organic Matter Ratios on Arsenite Complexation with Dissolved Organic Matter. Chemosphere 2022, 302: 134770
P.M. McGuire, V. Dai , M. Todd Walter, and M.C. Reid. Labile Carbon Release from Oxic-Anoxic Cycling in Woodchip Bioreactors Enhances Nitrate Reduction without Increasing Nitrous Oxide Accumulation. Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 2021, 7, 2357-2371.
M.C. Reid. Sanitation and Climate. Nature Climate Change 2020, 10, 496–497
S.C. Maguffin, L. Abu-Ali, R.V. Tappero, J. Pena, J.S. Rohila, A.M. McClung, and M.C. Reid. Influence of Manganese Abundances on Iron and Arsenic Solubility in Rice Paddy Soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2020, 276, 50-69
C. Fernandez-Baca, O. Amir-Eldin, M.C. Reid, and R.E. Richardson. Temporal lags in post-rain greenhouse gas cycling and fluxes from septic leach eld soils and associated greenhouse gas cycling microbial populations. ASCE Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 2020, in press.
P.M. McGuire and M.C. Reid. Nitrous Oxide and Methane Dynamics in Woodchip Bioreactors: Effects of Fluctuating Water Tables on Partitioning into Trapped Gas Phases. Environmental Science and Technology 2019, 53 (24), 14348-14356.
D.S. Pal, R. Tripathee, M.C. Reid, K.V.R. Schäfer, and P.R. Jaffé. Simultaneous measurements of dissolved CH4 and H2 in wetland soils. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2018 190 (3) 176.
M.C. Reid, J. Maillard, A. Bagnoud, L. Falquet, P. Le Vo, and R. Bernier-Latmani. Arsenic Methylation Dynamics in a Rice Paddy Soil Anaerobic Enrichment Culture. Environmental Science and Technology 2017, 51, 10546-10554
M.C. Reid, D.S. Pal, and P.R. Jaffé. Dissolved Gas Dynamics in Wetland Soils: Root-Mediated Gas Transfer Kinetics Determined via Push-Pull Tracer Tests. Water Resources Research 2015, 51, 7343-7357.
*Featured in EOS Research Spotlight.
M. Kang, C. Kanno, M.C. Reid, X. Zhang, M.A. Celia, D.L. Mauzerall, Y. Chen, and T.C. Onstott. Direct Measurements of Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in Pennsylvania. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2014, 111, 18173-18177.
D.S. Pal, M.C. Reid, and P.R. Jaffé. The Impact of Hurricane Sandy on CH4 Released From Vegetated and Unvegetated Wetland Microsites. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2014, 1, 372-375.
M.C. Reid, K. Guan, F. Wagner, and D.L. Mauzerall. Global Methane Emissions from Pit Latrines. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 8727 – 8734.
M.C. Reid, R. Tripathee, K.V.R. Schafer, and P.R. Jaffé. Tidal Marsh Methane Dynamics: Difference in Seasonal Lags in Emissions Driven by Storage in Vegetated vs. Unvegetated Sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 2013, 118 (4), 1802-1813.
M.C. Reid and P.R. Jae. A Push-Pull Test to Measure Root Uptake of Volatile Chemicals from Wetland Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, 3190-3198.
M.C. Reid and P.R. Jaffé. Gas-Phase and Transpiration-driven Mechanisms for Volatilization through Wetland Macrophytes. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46, 5344-5352.
E.L. Harrison, F. Veron, D.T. Ho, M.C. Reid, P. Orton, and W.R. McGillis. Nonlinear interaction between rain and wind induced air-water gas exchange. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2012, 117 (C3).
E.A. Variano, D.T. Ho, V.C. Engel, P.J. Schmieder, and M.C. Reid. Flow and Mixing Dynamics in a Patterned Wetland: Kilometer-Scale Tracer Releases in the Everglades, Water Resources Research 2009, 45 (8).
M.J. Krisch, M.C. Reid, L.R. McCunn, L.J. Butler, and J. Shu. Photofragment Translational Spectroscopy of Nitric Acid at 248 nm with VUV Photoionization Detection of Products. Chemical Physics Letters 2004,
397, 21-25
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