Welcome to the Reid Research Group in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University. Our laboratory is focused on investigating the applications of environmental biogeochemistry and ecosystem engineering to water quality problems. Our group seeks to understand and innovate the use of nature-based technologies as sustainable tools to ensure the quality of water resources for societal needs and ecosystem health.
Our group uses a combination of techniques and approaches from analytical environmental chemistry, molecular microbiology, and mathematical modeling to characterize the coupled chemical, biological, and physical processes that control contaminant transport and transformation in the environment. The environmental systems we study include wetlands (both natural and constructed), bioreactors integrated within agroecosystems or stormwater infrastructure, as well as agricultural rice paddy soils. We address questions across multiple scales and levels of complexity, from pure culture to field measurements. Please see the Research page for more information about current projects.
We are always looking for curious and motivated PhD students to join our group. Contact Prof. Reid for more information: mcr239@cornell.edu

New paper in Water Research
August 2023. Jenna Israel assessed climate change impacts on denitrification performance of woodchip bioreactors. Warmer temperatures are expected to outweigh effects of intensified precipitation and shorter hydraulic residence times, leading to a net improvement...
Field Trip to Hudson River Tidal Wetlands
August 2023. Yizhuo, Liz, and Ava traveled to the Piermont and Norrie Point Tidal Marshes to perform field sampling and measurements of hydroxyl radical production in tidal wetland sediments. This is part of a project studying the effects of wetland salinization on...
New Publication in GCA
Higher manganese concentrations in rice paddy soils suppressed arsenic mobilization. Find out why in new research from Scott and Lena published in GCA. Thanks to great collaborators at NSLS-II and Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center for making this...
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